Download GlistEngine

Transform Your Ideas into Reality with the Versatile GlistEngine. Download Now and Create Games, Cutting-Edge AI and Apps!

Step - 1

Install the launcher

Once the download is complete, open GlistEngine-setup.exe and start the installation process.

Step - 2

Installation Process

Follow the installation guide with the Next button. Do not change any settings during the process. Installation might take 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your computer.

Step - 3


After the installation has finished, start GlistEngine with the desktop icon.

GlistEngine runs in the Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment), and we need to set the engine up manually.

Select Project mene and Properties.

Step - 4

Unresolved Inclusions

C/C++ General -> Preprocessor Include Path -> Providers menu and choose both CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE COMMANDS options.

Apply and Close afterwards.

Step - 5

Clean and Build

After setting up unresolved inclusions, we need to clean and rebuild the project and work with it.

In the Project Menu, select Clean -> Clean at the bottom of the popup, then Build in the menu bar or in the Project Menu as well.

This process will take another 5 to 10 minutes to finish. After the whole installation process, you should be able to start using GlistEngine without any errors.

For Linux and MacOS installation guides, check docs pages.